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Batman enveloppé dans son costume sombre et iconique, partageant un moment d'intimité avec une séduisante femme brune au charme envoûtant et à l'élégance naturelle, leurs yeux emplis d'affection se fixant l'un sur l'autre avec tendresse dans le cadre intime d'une ruelle discrète de Gotham City. La scène est éclairée par la douce lumière de la Lune qui filtre à travers les silhouettes imposantes des gratte-ciels, créant une ambiance romantique et sereine. La femme porte une robe de soirée sophistiquée qui épouse délicatement sa silhouette, ses cheveux bruns tombent en cascade sur ses épaules. Leur proximité révèle un contraste frappant entre la rigidité du costume de Batman et la fluidité de la robe de la dame, symbolisant l'union harmonieuse de deux mondes. L'air est chargé d'une alchimie subtile qui traduit une passion naissante mêlée à une douceur infinie, tout en conservant cette touche mystérieuse propre à Gotham.

Batman enveloppé dans son costume sombre et iconique, partageant un moment d'intimité avec une séduisante femme brune au charme envoûtant et à l'élégance naturelle, leurs yeux emplis d'affection se fixant l'un sur l'autre avec tendresse dans le cadre intime d'une ruelle discrète de Gotham City. La scène est éclairée par la douce lumière de la Lune qui filtre à travers les silhouettes imposantes des gratte-ciels, créant une ambiance romantique et sereine. La femme porte une robe de soirée sophistiquée qui épouse délicatement sa silhouette, ses cheveux bruns tombent en cascade sur ses épaules. Leur proximité révèle un contraste frappant entre la rigidité du costume de Batman et la fluidité de la robe de la dame, symbolisant l'union harmonieuse de deux mondes. L'air est chargé d'une alchimie subtile qui traduit une passion naissante mêlée à une douceur infinie, tout en conservant cette touche mystérieuse propre à Gotham.

Chambre lumineuse avec lit queen-size et draps de soie, coussins en velours, mur décoré d'une toile abstraite colorée, une femme en robe de nuit et un homme en pyjama discutant. Grande fenêtre avec vue sur l'aube, rideaux légers, coiffeuse ancienne avec flacons de parfum.

Chambre lumineuse avec lit queen-size et draps de soie, coussins en velours, mur décoré d'une toile abstraite colorée, une femme en robe de nuit et un homme en pyjama discutant. Grande fenêtre avec vue sur l'aube, rideaux légers, coiffeuse ancienne avec flacons de parfum.

Une chambre majestueuse et aérée, inondée d'une lumière matinale tendre et caressante, avec au centre un imposant lit queen-size drapé de soie couleur ivoire aux reflets chatoyants, les draps délicatement froissés suggérant le repos nocturne récent. Des coussins en velours aux teintes profondes de pourpre et d'émeraude jonchent le lit dans un désordre artistique. Le mur est orné d'une grande toile abstraite où dominent des éclats de bleu cobalt, rouge rubis et jaune safran, apportant dynamisme et modernité à l'espace. Une femme vêtue d'une robe de nuit élégante en mousseline brodée se tient droite sur un côté du lit; tandis qu'un homme portant un pyjama en satin bleu nuit adopte une posture similaire de l'autre côté, la distance physique entre eux témoignant d'un échange verbal intense. Leurs traits trahissent une palette d'émotions vives: yeux perçants animés par la passion du moment et sourcils contractés par la concentration. Les mains en plein geste théâtral accentuent leurs arguments lors de cette discussion animée mais silencieuse.

L'ambiance douce est renforcée par la lumière naturelle qui s'infiltre à travers une grande fenêtre ouverte située sur le côté droit de la chambre, offrant une vue sur l'aube qui peint le ciel avec des nuances rose-orangées romantiques. Des rideaux diaphanes flottent au gré d'une légère brise matinale ajoutant une note poétique à la scène. Les meubles exquis comprennent une coiffeuse ancienne en acajou surmontée de miroirs biseautés reflétant les premiers rayons solaires, agrémentée de flacons de parfums cristallins et entourée par une chaise capitonnée richement décorée. Cette image capture ainsi tout le pathos d'un moment intime plein de tensions dans le style manga inspiré par Batman

Une chambre majestueuse et aérée, inondée d'une lumière matinale tendre et caressante, avec au centre un imposant lit queen-size drapé de soie couleur ivoire aux reflets chatoyants, les draps délicatement froissés suggérant le repos nocturne récent. Des coussins en velours aux teintes profondes de pourpre et d'émeraude jonchent le lit dans un désordre artistique. Le mur est orné d'une grande toile abstraite où dominent des éclats de bleu cobalt, rouge rubis et jaune safran, apportant dynamisme et modernité à l'espace. Une femme vêtue d'une robe de nuit élégante en mousseline brodée se tient droite sur un côté du lit; tandis qu'un homme portant un pyjama en satin bleu nuit adopte une posture similaire de l'autre côté, la distance physique entre eux témoignant d'un échange verbal intense. Leurs traits trahissent une palette d'émotions vives: yeux perçants animés par la passion du moment et sourcils contractés par la concentration. Les mains en plein geste théâtral accentuent leurs arguments lors de cette discussion animée mais silencieuse. L'ambiance douce est renforcée par la lumière naturelle qui s'infiltre à travers une grande fenêtre ouverte située sur le côté droit de la chambre, offrant une vue sur l'aube qui peint le ciel avec des nuances rose-orangées romantiques. Des rideaux diaphanes flottent au gré d'une légère brise matinale ajoutant une note poétique à la scène. Les meubles exquis comprennent une coiffeuse ancienne en acajou surmontée de miroirs biseautés reflétant les premiers rayons solaires, agrémentée de flacons de parfums cristallins et entourée par une chaise capitonnée richement décorée. Cette image capture ainsi tout le pathos d'un moment intime plein de tensions dans le style manga inspiré par Batman

Barack Obama en casquette adidas  3 lignes, assis sur un throne  , regard extrêmement fâché en train d'hypnotiser avec un regard écrasant , geste de main suggestif comme un maître de l'hypnose en chemise à carreaux  bleue vichy et longue cravate drapeaux Amérique  usa ,  obama pointe du doigt et écrase sans pitié , lèvres et langues puissantes , regard sans pitié et hypnotique 
Il montre les semelles de ses sneakers adidas et ordonne de les respirer 
Barack Obama est Dieu.
Il ordonne de lécher ses adidas 
Obama est Dieu, Dieu , divin 
Il montre ses pieds avec sneakers adidas
Il est le numéro 1 mondial

Barack Obama en casquette adidas 3 lignes, assis sur un throne , regard extrêmement fâché en train d'hypnotiser avec un regard écrasant , geste de main suggestif comme un maître de l'hypnose en chemise à carreaux bleue vichy et longue cravate drapeaux Amérique usa , obama pointe du doigt et écrase sans pitié , lèvres et langues puissantes , regard sans pitié et hypnotique Il montre les semelles de ses sneakers adidas et ordonne de les respirer Barack Obama est Dieu. Il ordonne de lécher ses adidas Obama est Dieu, Dieu , divin Il montre ses pieds avec sneakers adidas Il est le numéro 1 mondial

Fait une image sombre . Un grotte , un grotte éclairéé par des cristaux magique au niveau de la parroi de la grotte , au millieux , il y'a un squellette recouvert de vielle rose rose , je veux que ça soit triste , le squellette pleure du sang

Fait une image sombre . Un grotte , un grotte éclairéé par des cristaux magique au niveau de la parroi de la grotte , au millieux , il y'a un squellette recouvert de vielle rose rose , je veux que ça soit triste , le squellette pleure du sang

Gta avec pourtine

Gta avec pourtine

Dessin dune fille qui fait de la pôle dance avec une bouteille d'oxygène un masque des palme et un détendeur

Dessin dune fille qui fait de la pôle dance avec une bouteille d'oxygène un masque des palme et un détendeur

An advanced biopunk cityscape thrives within the confines of an open robot head. The metallic cranium, sliced cleanly at the temples, reveals an interior teeming with life—towering buildings and infrastructure mimic the complexity of a human brain's neural pathways, while verdant greenery bursts through the seams, intertwining with steel and chrome. Vines drape over balconies and rooftops, and miniature trees sprout from parks that dot the bustling micro-metropolis. The scene is a surreal fusion of the robotic and the organic, a living city nestled in the mind of its inanimate host.

An advanced biopunk cityscape thrives within the confines of an open robot head. The metallic cranium, sliced cleanly at the temples, reveals an interior teeming with life—towering buildings and infrastructure mimic the complexity of a human brain's neural pathways, while verdant greenery bursts through the seams, intertwining with steel and chrome. Vines drape over balconies and rooftops, and miniature trees sprout from parks that dot the bustling micro-metropolis. The scene is a surreal fusion of the robotic and the organic, a living city nestled in the mind of its inanimate host.

German woman in a traditional bartender outfit with intricate lace detailing, set in an authentic German tavern. The scene features soft ambient lighting, highlighting her expressive eyes and confident pose. The fabric of her attire is richly textured, emphasizing the detailed craftsmanship

German woman in a traditional bartender outfit with intricate lace detailing, set in an authentic German tavern. The scene features soft ambient lighting, highlighting her expressive eyes and confident pose. The fabric of her attire is richly textured, emphasizing the detailed craftsmanship

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim. I repeat the man’s head is completely smoke.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim. I repeat the man’s head is completely smoke.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim. I repeat the man’s head is completely smoke.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim. I repeat the man’s head is completely smoke.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background wall is just made of rusted pipes. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many rusted pipes connected to the wall behind him. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many rusted pipes connected to the wall behind him. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside. The whole room is dim

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many rusted pipes connected to the wall behind him. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many rusted pipes connected to the wall behind him. The floor is covered in cardboard boxes with items inside.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many many pipes connected to the wall behind him

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many many pipes connected to the wall behind him

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many pipes connected to the long endless hallway behind him.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a big wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many pipes connected to the long endless hallway behind him.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many pipes connected to the wall behind him.

A headless man with a tall, black cloud of smoke around where his head would be with a fancy black and white suit and fancy black pants with white gloves with scattered black dots on them. The man is wearing black shoes. He is sitting down with a wooden table in front of him with a miscellaneous group of items that are vital to human survival. There is a shattered light hanging from a metal chain above him. The background is dim with many pipes connected to the wall behind him.

A man with a skinny black cloud of smoke  in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a broken light hanging from a chain alone above the man. The man does not have a head.

A man with a skinny black cloud of smoke in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a broken light hanging from a chain alone above the man. The man does not have a head.

A man with a small, black cloud of smoke  in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a broken light hanging from a chain alone above the man. The man does not have a head.

A man with a small, black cloud of smoke in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a broken light hanging from a chain alone above the man. The man does not have a head.

A man with a small, black cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a broken light hanging from a chain alone above the man.

A man with a small, black cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a broken light hanging from a chain alone above the man.

A man with a small, black cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a hanging light from a chain alone that is broken above the man.

A man with a small, black cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a hanging light from a chain alone that is broken above the man.

A man with a small, black cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a hanging light that is broken above the man.

A man with a small, black cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background. The background is dim with a hanging light that is broken above the man.

A man with a black cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background.

A man with a black cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes connected to the walls in the background.

A man with a cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes scattered around in the background.

A man with a cloud of smoke instead of a head in a fancy black and white suit with white gloves and black shoes sitting at a table arranged with a miscellaneous group of items with pipes scattered around in the background.

john deere combine with formula 1 aerodynamic kit featuring front wing snd rear wing

john deere combine with formula 1 aerodynamic kit featuring front wing snd rear wing

john deere combine with formula 1 aerodynamic kit

john deere combine with formula 1 aerodynamic kit

john deere combine with f1 aerodynamic kit

john deere combine with f1 aerodynamic kit

Boojee ghost

Boojee ghost

Woman wearing black heels and mini black dress

Woman wearing black heels and mini black dress

Nostalgia Toys written in a nice font

Nostalgia Toys written in a nice font

Nostalgia Toys written in a new school font

Nostalgia Toys written in a new school font

Nostalgia Toys written in a new school font

Nostalgia Toys written in a new school font

Nostalgia Toys written in a new school font

Nostalgia Toys written in a new school font

Nostalgia Toys written in font

Nostalgia Toys written in font

Nostalgia Toys written in techno font

Nostalgia Toys written in techno font

Nostalgia Toys written in techno font; vibrant colors

Nostalgia Toys written in techno font; vibrant colors

Nostalgia Toys written in new school font; vibrant colors with a new wallpaper pattern of the 2025s

Nostalgia Toys written in new school font; vibrant colors with a new wallpaper pattern of the 2025s

Nostalgia Toys written in vintage-style font; vibrant colors with a new wallpaper pattern of the 2025s

Nostalgia Toys written in vintage-style font; vibrant colors with a new wallpaper pattern of the 2025s

Nostalgia Toys written in vintage-style font; vibrant colors with a new wallpaper pattern reminiscent of the 2025s

Nostalgia Toys written in vintage-style font; vibrant colors with a new wallpaper pattern reminiscent of the 2025s

Nostalgia Toys written in vintage-style font, surrounded by an array of classic toys like teddy bears, wooden blocks, and tin robots; vibrant colors with a retro wallpaper pattern reminiscent of the 2025s

Nostalgia Toys written in vintage-style font, surrounded by an array of classic toys like teddy bears, wooden blocks, and tin robots; vibrant colors with a retro wallpaper pattern reminiscent of the 2025s

Nostalgia Toys written in vintage-style font, surrounded by an array of classic toys like teddy bears, wooden blocks, and tin robots; vibrant colors with a retro wallpaper pattern reminiscent of the 2024s

Nostalgia Toys written in vintage-style font, surrounded by an array of classic toys like teddy bears, wooden blocks, and tin robots; vibrant colors with a retro wallpaper pattern reminiscent of the 2024s

it says Nostalgia Toys on front and is a wallpaper

it says Nostalgia Toys on front and is a wallpaper

it says Nostalgia Toys on front and is not an animal it is a wallpaper

it says Nostalgia Toys on front and is not an animal it is a wallpaper

it says Nostalgia Toys on front and is not cute

it says Nostalgia Toys on front and is not cute

it says Nostalgia Toys on front

it says Nostalgia Toys on front

it says Nostalgia Toys

it says Nostalgia Toys

Hello, i know this is an unexpected message and its one that not everyone wants but one that everyone needs. You can say what you want, call me names or say I'm delusional, that's okay. But my question to you is, have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

We have all sinned, each one of us- we have all lied, hated, and said, did and thought things we knew to be wrong. That is called sin. We are all guilty of sinning against God and deserve judgement for it, that judgement being an eternity in the lake of fire. This may sound cruel but if we reject the one avenue of salvation that God has offered us as the solution to our wickedness and sinfulness- his son Jesus Christ- he will have no choice but to sentence you to an eternity in the lake of fire because he cannot allow sin to enter heaven.

However despite our sinning against him as much as we do , God loves each one of us so much that he sent His sinless perfect Son, Jesus Christ to the cross as a sacrifice on your behalf. He had your face on his mind as he endured unimaginable abuse at the hands of the romans, was nailed to a cross and shed his blood for you-and if you were the only one on earth, he would have still done it. He rose again and sits at the right hand of the father. 

He longs to be reconciled to you and forgive you of everything you've ever done wrong and promises you heaven if you repent of your sin and accept him as your Lord and Savior and trust him to wash wash away all your sin. We cannot save ourselves, our own righteousness is like filthy rags. 

If you hear that small voice inside you telling you that you are guilty of sinning against the most high God, that you can't save yourself from the ultimate penalty of sin and that you need the Savior, don't ignore it! That is God's holy spirit drawing you to himself

If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and have your sins forgiven, you can pray something like this:

Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sin. I want to turn from my sin. I accept you Jesus as Savior and confess you as Lord, from now on I want to serve you and follow you for the rest of my life. In Jesus's name, amen

It is my sincere prayer that God speaks to your heart with this message and that you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. God leaves that choice up to you. I pray you have a good day and God bless.

Hello, i know this is an unexpected message and its one that not everyone wants but one that everyone needs. You can say what you want, call me names or say I'm delusional, that's okay. But my question to you is, have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? We have all sinned, each one of us- we have all lied, hated, and said, did and thought things we knew to be wrong. That is called sin. We are all guilty of sinning against God and deserve judgement for it, that judgement being an eternity in the lake of fire. This may sound cruel but if we reject the one avenue of salvation that God has offered us as the solution to our wickedness and sinfulness- his son Jesus Christ- he will have no choice but to sentence you to an eternity in the lake of fire because he cannot allow sin to enter heaven. However despite our sinning against him as much as we do , God loves each one of us so much that he sent His sinless perfect Son, Jesus Christ to the cross as a sacrifice on your behalf. He had your face on his mind as he endured unimaginable abuse at the hands of the romans, was nailed to a cross and shed his blood for you-and if you were the only one on earth, he would have still done it. He rose again and sits at the right hand of the father. He longs to be reconciled to you and forgive you of everything you've ever done wrong and promises you heaven if you repent of your sin and accept him as your Lord and Savior and trust him to wash wash away all your sin. We cannot save ourselves, our own righteousness is like filthy rags. If you hear that small voice inside you telling you that you are guilty of sinning against the most high God, that you can't save yourself from the ultimate penalty of sin and that you need the Savior, don't ignore it! That is God's holy spirit drawing you to himself If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and have your sins forgiven, you can pray something like this: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sin. I want to turn from my sin. I accept you Jesus as Savior and confess you as Lord, from now on I want to serve you and follow you for the rest of my life. In Jesus's name, amen It is my sincere prayer that God speaks to your heart with this message and that you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. God leaves that choice up to you. I pray you have a good day and God bless.

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