Seven young men personify the seven deadly sins in a symbolic tableau. In the center, Pride reigns supreme, seated on an ornate throne akin to that of a monarch, adorned with regal robes and a crown that glistens with gems. Wrath exudes menace, cloaked in a black leather jacket and matching pants, his skin etched with intricate tattoos and punctuated by metallic piercings. Greed flaunts opulence in designer attire dripping with jewelry; rings sparkle on every finger, complemented by a heavy gold chain around his neck. Envy assumes the guise of an enigmatic wanderer, casting covetous glances towards his companions while cloaked in subtle green tones. Gluttony presents a paradoxical figure: svelte yet dressed in snug-fitting clothes that speak to an endless hunger unsatisfied by mere physical sustenance. Lust smolders with sensual intent, garbed in provocative attire designed to tempt and tantalize, tongue lasciviously exposed. Lastly, Sloth embodies lethargy, slumped casually in oversized hoodie and sweatpants while listlessly rubbing weary eyes as if struggling against the pull of sleep


Seven young men personify the seven deadly sins in a symbolic tableau. In the center, Pride reigns supreme, seated on an ornate throne akin to that of a monarch, adorned with regal robes and a crown that glistens with gems. Wrath exudes menace, cloaked in a black leather jacket and matching pants, his skin etched with intricate tattoos and punctuated by metallic piercings. Greed flaunts opulence in designer attire dripping with jewelry; rings sparkle on every finger, complemented by a heavy gold chain around his neck. Envy assumes the guise of an enigmatic wanderer, casting covetous glances towards his companions while cloaked in subtle green tones. Gluttony presents a paradoxical figure: svelte yet dressed in snug-fitting clothes that speak to an endless hunger unsatisfied by mere physical sustenance. Lust smolders with sensual intent, garbed in provocative attire designed to tempt and tantalize, tongue lasciviously exposed. Lastly, Sloth embodies lethargy, slumped casually in oversized hoodie and sweatpants while listlessly rubbing weary eyes as if struggling against the pull of sleep

Description Négative

blurry details, modern technology elements like smartphones or computers, contemporary casual clothing


Art Numérique


Détails standard




août 24, 2024 08:23 AM







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