Copyright Policy

Introduction: Upholding Intellectual Property and Sharing Permissions is dedicated to honoring the intellectual property rights of creators while fostering a community of sharing and inspiration. This Copyright Policy provides guidance on how we manage copyright concerns and outlines the permissions related to the use of images generated on our AI image generation platform.

Copyrighted Content: Our platform enables users to generate original images using AI technology. Users retain ownership of the content they create, with claiming no ownership over user-generated images.

Public Images: When users generate images and designate them as "public," they agree to share these images with the community. By assigning the "public" status, users grant full consent for others to view, use, and interact with these images. Public images may be used by other users without restriction, and the original user who generated the image agrees to this open sharing by selecting the "public" option.

User Responsibility: Users are responsible for ensuring that any content they generate and designate as "public" does not violate the intellectual property rights of third parties. It is imperative that users have the necessary rights or permissions for any third-party content that may be included in the images they create and share.

Copyright Infringement Claims: If you believe that any content on infringes upon your copyright, please follow the procedure outlined in the original policy to submit a notice of infringement. We take such claims seriously and will respond promptly to investigate and address the issue.

Repeat Infringer Policy: Consistent with our commitment to intellectual property rights, enforces a policy of terminating the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe copyright.

Changes to Our Copyright Policy: This Copyright Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. We will notify users of any significant changes.

Contact Us: For inquiries about this Copyright Policy or to report a potential infringement, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Conclusion: At, we respect the rights of creators and the spirit of sharing within our community. We encourage responsible engagement with our platform, ensuring respect for intellectual property while embracing the collaborative potential of public images.

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