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Beautiful brunette in skirt, t-shirt and pantyhose sits on a sofa with both legs bent towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off with a big grin

Beautiful brunette in skirt, t-shirt and pantyhose sits on a sofa with both legs bent towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off with a big grin

Beautiful brunette in skirt, t-shirt and pantyhose sits on a sofa with both legs extended towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off with a big grin

Beautiful brunette in skirt, t-shirt and pantyhose sits on a sofa with both legs extended towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off with a big grin

Beautiful brunette in skirt, t-shirt and pantyhose sits on a sofa with both legs extended towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off

Beautiful brunette in skirt, t-shirt and pantyhose sits on a sofa with both legs extended towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off

Beautiful brunette in skirt, t-shirt and pantyhose sits on a sofa with both legs raised towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off

Beautiful brunette in skirt, t-shirt and pantyhose sits on a sofa with both legs raised towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off

Beautiful brunette in skirt and fishnet stockings sits on a sofa with one foot on the ground and and one foot raised towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off

Beautiful brunette in skirt and fishnet stockings sits on a sofa with one foot on the ground and and one foot raised towards the viewer while throwing back her head and laughing her face off

2 beautiful nerdy blonde businesswomen in white stockings sitting at a small table and giggling uncontrollably

2 beautiful nerdy blonde businesswomen in white stockings sitting at a small table and giggling uncontrollably

Huge Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is under the deep blue sea; shimmering iridescent scales; chest scales are deep azure blue; four legs that help him swim; surrounded by coral reefs and schools of fish; ancient and wise expression; uses intricate sign language to speak underwater, gentle bubbles around it

Huge Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is under the deep blue sea; shimmering iridescent scales; chest scales are deep azure blue; four legs that help him swim; surrounded by coral reefs and schools of fish; ancient and wise expression; uses intricate sign language to speak underwater, gentle bubbles around it

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is under the deep blue sea; shimmering iridescent scales; chest scales are deep azure blue; four legs that help him swim; surrounded by coral reefs and schools of fish; ancient and wise expression; uses intricate sign language to speak underwater, gentle bubbles around it

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is under the deep blue sea; shimmering iridescent scales; chest scales are deep azure blue; four legs that help him swim; surrounded by coral reefs and schools of fish; ancient and wise expression; uses intricate sign language to speak underwater, gentle bubbles around it

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is underwater; shimmering iridescent scales; chest scales are deep azure blue; four legs that help him swim; surrounded by coral reefs and schools of fish; ancient and wise expression; uses intricate sign language to speak underwater, gentle bubbles around it

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is underwater; shimmering iridescent scales; chest scales are deep azure blue; four legs that help him swim; surrounded by coral reefs and schools of fish; ancient and wise expression; uses intricate sign language to speak underwater, gentle bubbles around it

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is underwater; shimmering iridescent scales; chest scales are deep azure blue; surrounded by coral reefs and schools of fish; ancient and wise expression; uses intricate sign language to speak underwater, gentle bubbles around it

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is underwater; shimmering iridescent scales; chest scales are deep azure blue; surrounded by coral reefs and schools of fish; ancient and wise expression; uses intricate sign language to speak underwater, gentle bubbles around it

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is underwater; chest scales are blue; ancient and wise; uses sign language to speak underwater

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is underwater; chest scales are blue; ancient and wise; uses sign language to speak underwater

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is underwater; chest scales are blue

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon that is underwater; chest scales are blue

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon

Green and blue scaled Sea dragon

Create a complex henna hands design, but incorporate the Great Wall of China, tigers, Sacramento State University logo, sikh symbol, golden retriever, face, small dog, paws, and a basketball. Make sure the hands are filled with Arabic henna designs

Create a complex henna hands design, but incorporate the Great Wall of China, tigers, Sacramento State University logo, sikh symbol, golden retriever, face, small dog, paws, and a basketball. Make sure the hands are filled with Arabic henna designs

Create henna hands design, but incorporate the Great Wall of China, tigers, Sacramento State University logo, sikh symbol, golden retriever, face, small dog, paws, and a basketball.

Create henna hands design, but incorporate the Great Wall of China, tigers, Sacramento State University logo, sikh symbol, golden retriever, face, small dog, paws, and a basketball.

Un immense château en brique blanc crème s'élèvent très haut dans le ciel coiffé de flemme rouge et or flottant dans la brise estivale. Un large escalier de marbre qui mène à la porte du château, il y a de tout douzaine de cartes encadrant la porte images au sommet de l'escalier. Ils sont équipés d'un pognard et d'une épée d'or et d'argent qui brille au soleil tout leur plastron sont ornés à la hauteur du cœur d'un écusson en relief représentant un lion et une rose. Le prince est grand et blond, ses yeux ne tarissent aucune émotion. Il porte une veste bleu foncé qui se ferme en diagonale sur son torse, et des bottes noires. Lui aussi a une épée à sa ceinture. A côté de lui se tient une jolie jeune femme au teint de porcelaine et aux cheveux bruns bouclés qui cascades dans son dos. Ça robe rouge palais les pavés en haut des marches de l'escalier elle a une main posée sur le coude de l'homme. Ils sourient tout deux. La lumière et a contre-jour dernière l'homme et la femme et l'angle et en contre plongée se qui leurs donne un air de supériorité . Le dessin est réaliste

Un immense château en brique blanc crème s'élèvent très haut dans le ciel coiffé de flemme rouge et or flottant dans la brise estivale. Un large escalier de marbre qui mène à la porte du château, il y a de tout douzaine de cartes encadrant la porte images au sommet de l'escalier. Ils sont équipés d'un pognard et d'une épée d'or et d'argent qui brille au soleil tout leur plastron sont ornés à la hauteur du cœur d'un écusson en relief représentant un lion et une rose. Le prince est grand et blond, ses yeux ne tarissent aucune émotion. Il porte une veste bleu foncé qui se ferme en diagonale sur son torse, et des bottes noires. Lui aussi a une épée à sa ceinture. A côté de lui se tient une jolie jeune femme au teint de porcelaine et aux cheveux bruns bouclés qui cascades dans son dos. Ça robe rouge palais les pavés en haut des marches de l'escalier elle a une main posée sur le coude de l'homme. Ils sourient tout deux. La lumière et a contre-jour dernière l'homme et la femme et l'angle et en contre plongée se qui leurs donne un air de supériorité . Le dessin est réaliste

Un jeune homme regardant à travers une vitre embuée, un jeune homme brun et très beau. Expression d'envie sur son visage. Style hyperréaliste avec des détails précis. Lumière douce du crépuscule illuminant la scène, créant des reflets intrigants sur le verre. Vue en contre-plongée pour accentuer le sentiment de distance émotionnelle et physique entre le sujet et le groupe joyeux

Un jeune homme regardant à travers une vitre embuée, un jeune homme brun et très beau. Expression d'envie sur son visage. Style hyperréaliste avec des détails précis. Lumière douce du crépuscule illuminant la scène, créant des reflets intrigants sur le verre. Vue en contre-plongée pour accentuer le sentiment de distance émotionnelle et physique entre le sujet et le groupe joyeux

a farmer who smiles brightly and curses his fingers

a farmer who smiles brightly and curses his fingers

baby joyfully dancing in a cradle, warm and soft lighting in a cozy nursery, gentle moonlight through a window, midnight ambiance with soothing colors

baby joyfully dancing in a cradle, warm and soft lighting in a cozy nursery, gentle moonlight through a window, midnight ambiance with soothing colors

a farmer who smiled brightly and raised his middle finger

a farmer who smiled brightly and raised his middle finger

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