Create a visually arresting 3D logo for PLUGZ FOR LIFE in 8k quality with an ultra-modern, sleek design. Feature bold sans-serif typography dynamically emerging from a pitch-black background. Incorporate electrifying light beams inspired by the Capcut app icon's luminosity, casting deep shadows and striking highlights across the logo. Use cutting-edge curves, crisp edges, and fluid lines to convey speed and elegance. Envelop the logo in a metallic skin with a lustrous, mirror-like finish to reflect light dramatically, imbuing it with vigorous motion. Draw on Pixar's incisive imagery and geometric shapes with a lively color spectrum and polished surfaces for depth. Utilize rendering techniques like Unreal Engine's hyper-realism, Octane Renderer's ray tracing for reflections, and V-Ray's lighting effects to enhance mood. Aim for a surreal spectacle with sci-fi elements, exaggerating every aspect for maximum impact. Include vivid chromatic contrasts and intricate textures for visual allure. The creation should be audaciously lavish, avoiding subtlety or minimalism


Create a visually arresting 3D logo for PLUGZ FOR LIFE in 8k quality with an ultra-modern, sleek design. Feature bold sans-serif typography dynamically emerging from a pitch-black background. Incorporate electrifying light beams inspired by the Capcut app icon's luminosity, casting deep shadows and striking highlights across the logo. Use cutting-edge curves, crisp edges, and fluid lines to convey speed and elegance. Envelop the logo in a metallic skin with a lustrous, mirror-like finish to reflect light dramatically, imbuing it with vigorous motion. Draw on Pixar's incisive imagery and geometric shapes with a lively color spectrum and polished surfaces for depth. Utilize rendering techniques like Unreal Engine's hyper-realism, Octane Renderer's ray tracing for reflections, and V-Ray's lighting effects to enhance mood. Aim for a surreal spectacle with sci-fi elements, exaggerating every aspect for maximum impact. Include vivid chromatic contrasts and intricate textures for visual allure. The creation should be audaciously lavish, avoiding subtlety or minimalism

Description Négative

blurry, dull colors, flat surfaces


Rendu 3D


Studio Réfléchi


Grand Angle


Détails standard




sept. 23, 2024 04:59 PM







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