We then entered one of the most curious rooms I have ever visited. It seemed to contain a world of its own, the old and primitive, and the new and mechanical - a microcosm of life in this part of the world. Room. perhaps, is not an entirely accurate word, for on two adjoining sides it was open to the sky, the bounding walls being only two feet high. Straddling the top of one of them was a leather saddle, and just outside a long wooden rail carried four outboard engines. Behind the wooden walls on the other two sides of the room lay the bedrooms. A table against one of these walls was covered with radio apparatus, with which Tiny main- tained contact with Georgetown and the coast, and by the side of it stood a large set of shelves crammed with books. On the other wall hung a large clock and a barbaric assortment of guns, crossbows, longbows, arrows, blowpipes, fishing lines and Wapishana feather headdress. In the corner, we noticed a stack of paddles and an Amerindian earthenware jar full of cool water a In the place of chairs there were three large gaily-coloured Brazilian hammocks slung across the corners of the room, and in the centre, its feet embedded deep in the hard-packed mud floor, stood a giant table about three yards long. Above us, on one of the beams, hung a line of orange-coloured maize heads and, here and there, stretching across the beams, a few planks provided a spasmodic semblance of a ceiling.


We then entered one of the most curious rooms I have ever visited. It seemed to contain a world of its own, the old and primitive, and the new and mechanical - a microcosm of life in this part of the world. Room. perhaps, is not an entirely accurate word, for on two adjoining sides it was open to the sky, the bounding walls being only two feet high. Straddling the top of one of them was a leather saddle, and just outside a long wooden rail carried four outboard engines. Behind the wooden walls on the other two sides of the room lay the bedrooms. A table against one of these walls was covered with radio apparatus, with which Tiny main- tained contact with Georgetown and the coast, and by the side of it stood a large set of shelves crammed with books. On the other wall hung a large clock and a barbaric assortment of guns, crossbows, longbows, arrows, blowpipes, fishing lines and Wapishana feather headdress. In the corner, we noticed a stack of paddles and an Amerindian earthenware jar full of cool water a In the place of chairs there were three large gaily-coloured Brazilian hammocks slung across the corners of the room, and in the centre, its feet embedded deep in the hard-packed mud floor, stood a giant table about three yards long. Above us, on one of the beams, hung a line of orange-coloured maize heads and, here and there, stretching across the beams, a few planks provided a spasmodic semblance of a ceiling.


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août 21, 2024 04:24 PM







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