Dark and Dramatic Cartoon scene: Milhouse Van Houten from The Simpsons, with his yellow skin, really big round nose, and blue hair that's slicked back and curled up at the top, but as a tall, 18-year old teenager, dressed as a parody of Robin, The Boy Wonder, with an extremely muscular body, a dark green bodysuit with a red torso adorned with a green H symbol on his chest, a grey utility belt, red boots, red long-cuffed gloves, a big, heel-length long, ultra-wide green cape wreathed around his neck held up by a silver triangular button, and a green eye mask with optical lenses in it, now known as Houseboy, The Nerd Wonder, the other half of Springfield's Dynamic Duo, and one of the greatest vigilante superheroes ever known in Springfield. The teenage vigilante hero is currently hiding behind a large stack of crates in a dark factory, beginning his infiltration into a villain's lair as he plans out his strategy to find a way to sneak in undetected.


Dark and Dramatic Cartoon scene: Milhouse Van Houten from The Simpsons, with his yellow skin, really big round nose, and blue hair that's slicked back and curled up at the top, but as a tall, 18-year old teenager, dressed as a parody of Robin, The Boy Wonder, with an extremely muscular body, a dark green bodysuit with a red torso adorned with a green H symbol on his chest, a grey utility belt, red boots, red long-cuffed gloves, a big, heel-length long, ultra-wide green cape wreathed around his neck held up by a silver triangular button, and a green eye mask with optical lenses in it, now known as Houseboy, The Nerd Wonder, the other half of Springfield's Dynamic Duo, and one of the greatest vigilante superheroes ever known in Springfield. The teenage vigilante hero is currently hiding behind a large stack of crates in a dark factory, beginning his infiltration into a villain's lair as he plans out his strategy to find a way to sneak in undetected.




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mars 12, 2025 10:20 PM







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